Hey, remember that religion based on the Bible you've been following your whole life. Guess what? It was wrong. Have a nice day.
An ancient manuscript made public after 1,700 years offers an explanation of Judas Iscariot's behavior at odds with his traditional role as the disciple who betrayed Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver.Wait for it...
According to the Gospel of Judas, he was acting at Jesus' behest to help him "shed his earthly body," so Judas turned Jesus over to Roman authorities. A crucial passage of the text reads "you will exceed all of them. For you will sacrifice the man that clothed me."So, according to this writing, Judas was ASKED by Jesus to betray him which doesn't make it betrayl but more of a favor which would make Judas more of a best buddy rather than the asshole tattle-tale piece of shit that ratted his friend out for profit. So now, when people call other people a little Judas, it'll mean you're a good friend. And the world turns. Now, time for the church to freak.
At this time, we go by the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If the church - the Vatican Biblical Commission - if they feel there's something to it, they're going to study it. ... The Catholic Church moves very slowly on these things.Well, of course they do, they have to think of a good way to explain why this particular piece of writing is poo-poo nonsense and people should stay in line and never, ever, ever, think for themselves.
Judas was a good man. Oh shit, it hurts doesn't it?
Now, lets look at what this gospel would actually change about the religion. If Jesus asked Judas to betray him, Judas in a way would be assisting Jesus in death, almost like an assisted suicide. Puts a spin on that whole right-to-life thing. According to this gospel, Jesus made the decision to "shed his earthly body", or basically, allow himself to be executed, and Judas being the best bud that he was had no problem granting his friends wish.
So then one must ponder, why would Judas hang himself? Why would he feel guilt over his "betrayl" if it wasn't a betrayl? Could it be that Judas shed his earthly body as well to join his savior? Could Judas have just been deciding to end his life to begin a new one in the hereafter? Does this mean that maybe, just maybe, the right to die by our own hand is not a sin but maybe a right bestowed on us by God? Maybe we are given life to do with it as we please. Maybe we are free to choose death over life without consequence. This should get interesting.