Let me guess...none of them are named Bob and at least six of them are named Mohammed.
Britain on Friday identified 19 suspects arrested in connection with a plot to blow up U.S.-bound airplanes and ordered their assets frozen, the Guadian newspaper reported. The Bank of England, acting on instructions from the government, published the names and addresses of 19 of 24 suspects arrested Thursday, saying it would be illegal to release their funds.All the money in terrorist bank accounts should be divided amongst the families of victims of previous terror attacks. Or, even better, should be used to finance attacks on terror groups. Or just wire it to Israel, that'll piss 'em off.
The police have increased their presence in areas with Muslim populations in the UK to deter attacks after the latest terror arrests. Gee...did Muslims have something to do with this. You know it's the quiet ones you have to watch.
Police must be very careful, as the failed raid in east London in June created "a distance" between them and Muslims.You know what else causes a "distance"? Blowing people up on the subway. You'd be surprised how many people don't like when you do that.
So, how long are we going to tip-toe around the Muslims and make pretend like most of them aren't wearing suicide belts underneath that bee-keeper suit they wear. I am fully in support for people's right to the freedom of religion, even though I am not religious, but when your religion starts interfering with my basic right of staying in one piece, I'm sorry but now we have to ban your God.
There was a report on the news this morning that refered to the plotters as "Britons of Asain Descent". Asian? They're of Pakistani origin. Last time, while that is in Asia, so is Israel, and Russia. I can't remember the last time we referred to Russians or Israelis as Asians. Have we all gone retarded? As long as we tip-toe around the problem the world is having right now with the Islamic faith we are going to be at risk from these fanatics. I would be saying the same if everytime something blew up prematurely there was a Mormon behind it. Let's start calling a spade a spade and a terrorist a Muslim.
And where the fuck is the Muslim backlash against their own people giving them a bad name. I so rarely hear a Muslim stand up and say "Hey, stop it!". I'm sick of playing nice with these people who obviously have a chip on their shoulder against every other fucking nation outside the Arab ones. And don't even think of saying anything about this France, Muslims have been burning cars in your streets for almost a year now.
Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslim. Funny how Ayman al-Zawahiri didn't make a call for all Christians to stand up in support of Lebanon. Al-Qaeda operatives aren't trying to recruit Atheists are they? As long as Islam's people are committing these acts, Islam and terrorism will be best buds in the eyes of the world, even if they're afraid to say it. Soon a robe or turban and the Koran will be viewed as smoking guns. And Muslims will cry foul and we'll pat them on the heads and tell them we know there's a difference between moderate Islam and Fucking-Insane-Crazy-Fireball-Loving Islam. Until something else blows up.
Hey Islam, stop it!