Rain Halts Search for Buried School

You'd think it'd make it easier. I hear children rise out of the dirt when it rains because they can't...oh wait...those are worms...
Aerial photographs spotted what is believed to be the roof of an elementary school swamped by a landslide, and rescue workers will undertake a risky mission to check it, the provincial governor said Thursday.
If you need aerial photos to pick your kids up from school, save yourself the trip.
The roof that rescue workers had hoped would lead them to an elementary school buried by a mudslide turned out to be that of a house, the Philippine army said Friday, dealing another blow to the chances of finding survivors.
Oh man, what are the chance? Wrong roof.
Rescue teams suspended their search for the elementary school today because heavy rain raised fear of more landslides. About 65 U.S. Marines in rubber boots and carrying picks and shovels were digging, and the American military planned to begin using a 2-ton drill in the afternoon.
Really? 65 Marines, thats all we could spare for the children of the Philippines? I mean, I'm sure this landslide was our fault. Right? Caus eeverything is our fault. Where's Iran chiming in and blaming us? Wait for it...
As many as 300 children and teachers are thought to have been trapped in the school.
Probably not a happy ending here but, lets hope. It'd be nice to report on something positive every once in a while.
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