Saturday, September 09, 2006

Madrid bans too-thin models from catwalk

You hear that ladies? Eat something!

Excessively skinny fashion models will be barred from a major Madrid fashion show later this month for fear they could send the wrong message to young Spanish girls, local media reported.

I hope this catches on. You ever take a young lady out to dinner and all she orders is a celery stick and some water. Then you're forced to eat your dinner with her staring on like a hyena waiting for a lion to eat his fill. Well, I'm tired of growling at young women while I eat my steak damnit.

Madrid's regional government, which is co-financing the Pasarela Cibeles, has vetoed around a third of the models who took part in last year's show because they weigh too little.

Now they can turn the fans on without worry of injuring the models. It's about time this fad ran its course. Of course, this is only in Spain. Maybe it'll catch on everywhere in due time. You hear that that fat chicks, your time may be coming. Until then, enjoy that cheeseburger.


Blogger Unknown said...

Tag, you're it!

(If you've never been "tagged" before, it's where you answer the questions I just did on my website). I look forward to see what you read.

September 09, 2006 5:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, the questions are on this website

sorry for the mistake.

September 09, 2006 8:14 PM  

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