Iraq Takes Control of Military From US

Good luck.
Coalition forces handed over control of Iraq's armed forces command to the government Thursday, a move that U.S. officials have hailed as a crucial milestone on the country's difficult road to independence.
Every time a crucial milestone is passed over there, someone blows something up so excuse me for not squealing with glee.
The prime minister takes control of Iraq's small naval and air forces and the 8th Iraqi Army Division. However, it is still unclear how rapidly the Iraqi forces will be prepared to take over their own security.
Iraq has an Air Force? How cute.
"From today forward, the Iraqi military responsibilities will be increasingly conceived and led by Iraqis," said Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, at a ceremony.
Let them fuck it up themselves.
this force will last until the weekend...once all hell breaks loose, they're throwing down their rifles and running for home
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