Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Madonna Says Daughter Asked if She Was Gay

Did it come out of left field for you? Where you shocked? You remember that time in your life when you would have sex with anything? Didn't you think your children might want to ask some questions about why mommy's kissing another girl while two men lick whip cream off her ass and a monkey pees on them.

Madonna says she had some explaining to do when her daughter, Lourdes, asked about that kiss with Britney Spears at the 2003 MTV Video Music Awards.

You see Lourdes, (what kind of name is Lourdes)sometimes two women fall in love just like a man and woman do. Now, some people think this is a bad thing but actually, sometimes, if the two girls don't look like men, its one of the fucking hottest things you'll ever see. It's a million dollar business actually. And sometimes, the two girls aren't gay, they are just in desperate need for attention.

And then...they are people we like to call sluts...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madman...that is one of the best explanations I have ever read on woman and being gay! great job LOL

March 07, 2006 10:46 AM  
Blogger none said...

How the hell did you get a copy of that video with my mother and the monkey and shit? Jeez, I though all copies of that had been destroyed years ago - looks like PETA are gonna be down on my ass again! Fuck!

March 08, 2006 4:53 AM  

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