Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Pakistani TVs say Musharraf to declare emergency

If you ask me Pakistan's been in a state of emergency for about seven years.

Private Pakistani television channels reported on Wednesday that President Pervez Musharraf was preparing to declare a state of emergency imminently, but government spokesmen denied there were any such plans.

"We just wanted to confuse the people."

State-run Pakistan Television quoted official sources as saying the reports were baseless and Information Minister Mohammad Ali Durrani denied to Reuters that a meeting had been held to discuss the imposition of an emergency, as rumors swept the country.

So how can the US administration trust the Pakistanis to root out the top al-qaeda leadership from the tribal belt if they can't even get a handle on whether or not a state of emergency will be declared? Oh, yea, they got their shit together over there. Don't worry America, Pakistan's going after Bin Laden just as soon as they get this news coverage thing straightened out.


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