Friday, December 08, 2006

Damnit Earth One Year Old (and a few days)

While I was away soaking in the many different experiences the US has to offer, Damnit Earth turned a year old. I thought it appropiate to say a few things about doing this blog for almost a year now.

First off, blogging daily about the news is depressing. Following story after story, watching as the powers that be act oblivious to the obvious is frustrating and fills ones self with a sense of hopelessness. The Iraq war, al-qaeda, the Taliban, numerous government scandals, the horrible acts man is capable to commit on fellow man, the treatment of women across the globe, it's all almost as bad as the purposeful blind-eye to the good the world has to offer. Honestly, the hardest thing about this blog is the Sunday Sign of Hope. Making fun of the world is easy, hell, they practically do it for me. But finding that one gem a week can take me hours. Even then, most of the Sunday Signs of Hope are stretches.

The sad thing is, when one really looks, it can seem so damn easy to turn things around. Taking care of our planet could be so easily accomplished if it was what we really wanted. If people stopped taking a lazy approach to the world they live in, if we stopped worring about the trival things, the things the powers that be WANT us to focus on instead of the real worrisome shit they're doing, maybe a change could be possible. History repeats itself. If you watch, it's pretty much on a three week cycle. But we're more concerned with nudity and profanity on television than the fact that Christian school girls are being beheaded in Southern Asian countries.

I started Damnit Earth as an idea to bring a smile to peoples faces. I thought, hey, this world is so fucked up it's almost comical. It's like one long spoof movie. But some of these things aren't funny, most of it is cause for concern. It's like a marriage that you are watching lead to divorce. You watching things go bad and there's not a damn thing you can do but try to squeeze out a few good moments before it's all over.

I get about 3000 daily hits from different users a day. Most don't post comments and that's okay, I don't mind. Most are returning visitors and that means they either love Damnit Earth or hate it so much they need to refuel that fire everyday. Either way, maybe it makes you think, or maybe it makes you laugh. Hopefully it does both. I will continue Damnit Earth into the new year and beyond, if for no other reason than my own enjoyment and a slight hope that one day, things may get better.

Thank you all for stopping by and sharing a laugh or two. Be good to each other.


Blogger Unknown said...

WooHoo! So glad you're back. I've missed my current events wrapped in your wit, sarcasm, and humor (the only way to get up to speed on what's going on in the world).

I understand that finding all this "crap" in the news can be draining and glad you took the time off you needed. It sounds like you had a great roadtrip.

Watch out for elves! Hilarious! Can't believe the lengths officers will go to in order to catch speeders. Too bad they can't get the drunk drivers, murderers, rapers as easily.

December 08, 2006 3:26 PM  
Blogger none said...

Welcome back man, you've been missed.

December 12, 2006 2:50 AM  

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