Jet Skids Off Chicago Runway, Kills Child

Touchy subject considering the lose of life of such a young child but, hey, lets have at it anyways.
A jetliner with more than 100 people aboard skidded across a Chicago runway Thursday evening, slammed through a fence and struck two vehicles in the street, pinning one beneath it. A 6-year-old boy in one car was killed, and 10 other people, including two in the plane, were injured, authorities said.
Now, its a tragedy that a 6-year old was killed but you could say that if you're driving down the highway and your car is struck by a jetliner and you get killed, it really, really was your time to go.
The passengers aboard the Southwest flight arriving amid heavy snow at Midway International Airport thought it was a normal landing before they felt a jolt and the plane was in the street.
"I saw snow rush over the wing, then there was a big bump," said passenger Larry Vazzano, 54, of Baltimore.
First sign something's wrong with the landing: You see headlights outside the window.
Second sign: toll booths.
Third sign: You exit the plane at a MacDonalds drive through.
Southwest CEO Gary Kelly said the plane had circled Midway for 30 to 35 minutes because of the weather and the flight traffic before it was cleared for landing on the airport's 6,500-foot runway.
Cleared for landing? Maybe that wasn't the best call.
"There are no indications that there are any maintenance problems with that aircraft whatsoever," Kelly said.
Aside from the planes use of the car pool lane of course.
Freak accidents happen. It's sad that there was the lose of life, especially one so young. And hey, what's with all the planes skidding off runways recently? It seems to be happening more and more frequently. Maybe we should extend the runways. Or maybe have the planes land into nets. Oh that would be so cool.
I try and read your postings every chance I could, Mad Man. You sound like the average guy and you don't take yourself so serious like some other Blogs,. You're funny. I enjoy your postings and you should know it. Glad I stumbled on to it.
ps you deserve more feedback for at least trying to make the world laugh at itself
great caption...still laughing,
it's a shame someone got killed or you could have a riot with this one.
Thank you very much for the kind comments. Yes, I think this world needs to laugh at itself more often, it may help keep some of us on the sane side of that oh-so-slippery line.
Thanks for coming by and sharing a laugh or two.
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