Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Saddam's Trial Resumes, but Without Him

With all the jail escapes lately, you'd think the outcome of the trial was optional but no, apparently, the entire process is.

The Saddam Hussein trial resumed Wednesday after a lengthy delay but without the ex-president, who had declared the day before that he would not take part in an "unjust" court.

Welcome to democracy Iraq! Having an unjust court is part of the whole deal. Just ask any black guy tried in a state south of Delaware. Being judged by a jury of your 'peers' is the ultimate reality television program. Its luck of the draw. And what's with the 'jury of your peers' bullshit. If I was being tried by my peers I'd never be found guilty. It's not a jury of peers, its a group of twelve people that blame you because they have to get up early, miss work (or sitting on the couch for those unemployed) and listen to a bunch of mumbo jumbo they don't understand and come to a conclusion if you're guilty or not based on if you look like a criminal.

I'm just curious what would happen if Saddam is found innocent. Do we apologize and give him his country back?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

boy isn't it nice to not showup for your trial, can you see what are justice
system would look like, with just the lawyer there and no one to show off to

December 08, 2005 1:46 PM  

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