Paris Hilton Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail

About time.
A judge sentenced Paris Hilton to 45 days in jail Friday for violating her probation, putting the brakes on the hotel heiress' famous high life.
Oh no, what is a little heiress to do? I guess the simple life ain't as simple as you thought it was.
Hilton, who parlayed her name and relentless partying into worldwide notoriety, must go to jail on June 5 and she will not be allowed any work release, no furloughs, no use of an alternative jail and no electronic monitoring in lieu of jail, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ruled after a hearing.
This isn't about setting a bratty little rich kid straight. This is about fair punishment. If it had been me in her shoes I would have to get my new cellmates permission to write my blog.
Hilton, 26, pleaded no contest in January to reckless driving stemming from a Sept. 7 arrest in Hollywood. Police said she appeared intoxicated and failed a field sobriety test. She had a blood-alcohol level of .08 percent, the level at which an adult driver is in violation of the law.
See, that's what I mean right there. She got a plea down from DWI. I'd be walking my ass to work for six months.
Two other traffic stops and failure to enroll in a mandated alcohol education program, are what landed the socialite back in court.
Money shouldn't outway the law. She failed to meet the requirements of her probation and whoosh, time for a wonderful vacation to somewhere they don't care about your money. In fact, most of them will hate you for it. Enjoy. And straighten the fuck up.
A judge sentenced Paris Hilton to 45 days in jail Friday for violating her probation, putting the brakes on the hotel heiress' famous high life.
Oh no, what is a little heiress to do? I guess the simple life ain't as simple as you thought it was.
Hilton, who parlayed her name and relentless partying into worldwide notoriety, must go to jail on June 5 and she will not be allowed any work release, no furloughs, no use of an alternative jail and no electronic monitoring in lieu of jail, Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer ruled after a hearing.
This isn't about setting a bratty little rich kid straight. This is about fair punishment. If it had been me in her shoes I would have to get my new cellmates permission to write my blog.
Hilton, 26, pleaded no contest in January to reckless driving stemming from a Sept. 7 arrest in Hollywood. Police said she appeared intoxicated and failed a field sobriety test. She had a blood-alcohol level of .08 percent, the level at which an adult driver is in violation of the law.
See, that's what I mean right there. She got a plea down from DWI. I'd be walking my ass to work for six months.
Two other traffic stops and failure to enroll in a mandated alcohol education program, are what landed the socialite back in court.
Money shouldn't outway the law. She failed to meet the requirements of her probation and whoosh, time for a wonderful vacation to somewhere they don't care about your money. In fact, most of them will hate you for it. Enjoy. And straighten the fuck up.
what a slut!...Boy, would I like to see a reality show with her in the prison's general population!
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