Iran Opens a Nuclear Site to International Visitors

Just one? That's like having a search warrant to only look in the bathroom.
Iran opened one of its nuclear sites to a large number of local and international reporters and a delegation of foreign ambassadors on Saturday in an effort to show the transparency of its program before a United Nations Security Council deadline this month.
"See, nothing bad happening here. Just don't look in the basement."
Delegations from the Non-Aligned Movement, Group of 77 and League of Arab States arrived at the Isfahan Uranium Conversion Facility in central Iran with nearly 100 reporters.
So they basically showed a nuclear facility to a group of people who don't care if Iran goes nuclear. Darn, what am I going to do with all my "Iran is finally coming to its senses" baners and streamers?
Iran’s ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, said Saturday that the purpose of the tour was to assure the world that Iran’s program was peaceful.
So then show the world, not just a bunch of nobody's. And show them ALL the nuclear facilities, not just the pretend one.
that's just how stupid Iran thinks the the rest of the world is!...see! nothing under this rock. now lets all go home.
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