Suicide blast kills 3 at Israeli bakery

Oh those brownies sure do look good but I'm on a diet and those will go straight to my thighs if I even think about...KA-BOOM!
A young Palestinian set off an explosives-laden backpack in a bakery in the Red Sea resort of Eilat on Monday, killing himself and three other people in the first suicide attack against Israel in nine months.
Well, it was a nice run. That's why you should just enjoy plain old peaceful Qassam rocket barages while they last cause you never know when the suicide bombings are coming back.
The blast occurred far from Eilat's beachfront hotel strip, a popular tourist destination, thanks to a coolheaded Israeli army reserve officer.
Fucking coolheaded army officers, all coolheaded and not panicking, always fucking everything up.
He had unwittingly agreed to drive the hitchhiking bomber toward the city but had become suspicious and dropped him on a remote bypass road.
"So, whatcha got their in the backpack?"
"A bomb."
"Well...I'll drop ya off here then."
As police summoned by the officer closed in, the backpacker walked to a poor neighborhood, entered the only shop open, and ignited 33 pounds of explosives, officials said.
Should of just shot him.
The 9:36 a.m. blast killed the Lechamim Bakery's two owners and an employee, the only other people inside.
Good thing it was a poor neighborhood or more people would have been killed.
should have just dumped him in a garbage can and put the lid on...cake kills
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