Student Fires Gun in Missouri Middle School

Listen, when we finally get to kindergarten school shootings, and yes, we will get there eventually, can we please, please take off and nuke this site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
A 13-year-old student fired an AK-47 into the ceiling at his middle school Monday morning after confronting a pair of students and administrators, telling them, "please don't make me do this," officials said. just did.
An Ak-47 huh? Those don't come in the bottom of cereal boxes you know.
No one was injured, and the boy was taken into custody.
Unfortunately for him, everyone was right, he can't do anything right and he'll never amount to anything.
The student, who was not identified, pointed the gun at two students and Principal Steve Gilbreth and Assistant Superintendent Steve Doerr and asked them, "not to make me do this," said School Superintendent Jim Simpson.
Hey Jim, umm...where were you?
The boy then fired a shot into the ceiling, breaking a water pipe, Simpson said. After firing the shot, he said, the boy again said, "Please don't make me do this."
"Put the gun down son. No more pipes have to die today."
"It was a very close call," Simpson said.
Not for the water pipe.
That's one helluva 'Show and Tell' item to bring to class.
'My Daddy was killin gooks in Vietnam, and all he brought me back was this lousy AK and Gonorrhoea for Mom'.
what the hell is going on!'s open season at our schools...forget the metal detector, when they start bring AK 47's to school. a word to the wise, if you see a student with a trenchcoat, take the day off.
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