Blair hopes for Mideast peace plan

Any day now, someone is going to have an idea that will seem, at first, like a really, really good idea. However, after a few weeks of trying to impliment the idea into action, the world will slowly begin to realize that the plan, after all this time, was stupid.
Britain hopes a peace plan for Lebanon can emerge within days that could lead to a cease-fire, but only after details are worked out for an international force, Prime Minister Tony Blair said on Monday.
Aren't peace plans usually the jobs of Prime Ministers'? I mean, I hope he isn't waiting for Bob the fucking Baker down the road to strike mental gold.
Blair has been under political pressure at home for joining U.S. President George W. Bush as the only top Western leaders not to publicly call for an immediate cease-fire.
Yeah, but he's a happy little monkey.
Blair said that did not mean he was indifferent to the deaths of civilians.
But it does, really, it kind of does. Unfortunately sometimes the deaths of civilians is unavoidable, especially when an enemy hides behind the civilians because they know the outrage it will cause the other sides' society when they hear their own country is killing women and children. (civilian men are acceptable loses because of the penis)
Though, I'm surprised at the England masses, I mean, come on guys, you've gone to war with every fucking country or empire EVER.
Yes we have gone to War with everyone at some stage - not bad when you consider how small we are.
Got something to prove you see.
Why!! Are you fuckin' startin' somethin' yah bastard!!! lol
lets just wait a little while longer until there's nothing left in that country
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