Officials failed to pass on tsunami warning

There's something I'm forgetting to tell'll come to me.
Officials in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, failed to issue a tsunami warning despite receiving data about yesterday's earthquake 20 minutes before the first wave struck the island of Java.
What can you possibly do in fifteen minutes? No offence everybody, but if I had previous knowledge of a natural disaster with only twenty minutes to impact, I'd be way too busy packing my shit to even warn my parents, let alone an entire island.
One official told the Guardian they were too busy monitoring the aftershocks of the 7.7-magnitude quake that triggered the tsunami to raise the alarm.
So it was quite surprising to all the scientists when Georgie the Janitor mumbled, "Now when the big wave come right?"
The government's science and technology minister, Kusmayanto Kadiman, confirmed today that Indonesia had received bulletins from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre in Hawaii and Japan's meteorological agency after the quake, but "we did not announce them".
And you sir deserve that job. That's the first fucking honest comment I've heard from the mouth of a public figure, if the science and technology minister can be considered a public figure.
So, you guys decided to not warn anyone because? What possible reason could you have?
"If it [the tsunami] did not occur, what would have happened?" he said in Jakarta.
Less death. More dryness. Just a guess.
The death toll rose to 341 today as rescuers combed the devastated coastal communities. "I don't mind losing any of my property, but please God, return my son," a villager, Basril, said as he and his wife searched through rubble at the once idyllic Pangandaran resort.
Live with that "what if", you assholes.
great caption!...the "what if" comment has been the root of some of the biggest and stupidest responses this world has ever seen.
gee! that harbor that was bombed by the Japanise comes to mind.
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