Bush urges ban on gay marriage

Oh shut up you asshole. There are other more pressing issues at hand.
U.S. President George W. Bush on Saturday called again for a constitutional amendment in his country to ban gay marriage.
Should of banned you for starting a war for no reason. Shut up about the gays already. Unless gay people fly planes into our cities buildings can we please leave them the fuck alone already.
"Unfortunately, activist judges and some local officials have made an aggressive attempt to redefine marriage in recent years," Bush said in his weekly radio address.
Marriage is a bond between two people who love each other enough to say to each other, I'm willing to spend the rest of my life making you unhappy. Other than that, if gays marrying really, really bothers you, you're an asshole who should mind their own business.
"Marriage cannot be cut off from its cultural, religious, and natural roots without weakening this good influence on society," he said.
You know, you're fucking up the country. Could we please get some sort of win in the war on terror...please. I'd be more apt to listen to whatever you have to say if you can get bin Laden or Zarqawi or Zawahiri or Mullah Omar or Mullah Dadullah or fucking someone that we can call a big fish or maybe actually stablize Iraq or even Afghanistan or prehaps make Iran stop trying to get a nuclear weapon or something, ANYTHING. Stop trying to change the subject Bush.
Not this again...his image is going
down the crapper and he wants all eyes on something else...BUSH you're not even good at it anymore.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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