New Reports say US Troops Killed More Unarmed Iraqi Civilians

And the snowball gets larger. Why? To sell newspapers that's why. We live in the time of American Idol and Who Wants To Sell Their Soul on TV. We love misery. We love bad news. We love dirty laundry. Well, you made your bed, go to sleep, I'm taking the first rocket off this rock.
There are new reports accusing U.S. troops of killing unarmed civilians in Iraq.
Of course their is. Anything to keep the masses tuned in.
British television has aired a video of several dead adults and children that Iraqi police say were among 11 civilians killed by US troops in Ishaqi north of Baghdad in March.
Where's the other footage? You know, the footage of the human ball-bearing decoration detonating at the market? Two way street. I'm not saying that American soldiers don't do bad things I'm just saying I don't think they're the only ones doing it.
The BBC reported that U.S. officials initially said four people died during a military operation there.
Hey, doesn't the majority of you British people think Americans are stupid? Now you're surprised we can't count?
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