Explosives found in India rail station

If you can describe the explosives they will be returned. Please see the lost and found divison. Thank you.
Police found a cache of explosives Saturday at a railway station in Mumbai, India's financial hub, four days after a series of deadly blasts in a holy Hindu city blamed on Islamic militants.
What constitutes a cache? And how does one hide a cache at a railway station without anyone noticing? Wake up India, people carrying ticking bags and stashing them in the railway station probably constitutes "suspicious behavior" and probably should be brought to someones attention.
Some explosives and some parts which can be used for making an IED (improvised explosive device) have been found at Byculla railway station on top of a toilet block," said Roy.
I was going to suicide bomb the railway station, but my stomach started growling and, hey, when nature calls you better answer. Puts a spin on "dropping a bomb in the bathroom".
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