Vice President Hospitalized

Dick Cheney's in the hospital. Pastry shops in the Middle East are working overtime.
Vice President Dick Cheney was taken to the hospital early Monday morning after he began suffering breathing problems.
Vice President Dick Cheney was taken to George Washington Hospital early Monday experiencing shortness of breath, a spokeswoman said.
Cheney spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride said Cheney was rushed to the hospital at 3 a.m. Doctors found his EKG, or electrocardiogram, unchanged and determined he was retaining fluid because of medication he was taking for a foot problem.
Retaining fluid from a foot problem medication? This is what I mean when I say pharmaceutical companies are the devil.
A foot ailment forced Cheney to use a cane on Friday.
Poor him. Well at least we know our vice president will be getting the upmost best care and attention that our money can buy.
Don't celebrate just yet bin Laden's of the world, Cheney's not dead, he's just in what we Americans call a hibernation slumber while his powers of evil recharge and heal the human host body he has possessed in order to conquer the world.
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