Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Iraqi kidnappers threaten to kill U.S. journalist

See, I cover the news. I like to cover the news in my own little special way. Never has the thought crossed my mind that I should be WHERE the news is happening. Why? Cause I like breathing that's why. I find it...Fulfilling.

The captors of a U.S. journalist kidnapped in Baghdad 10 days ago threatened to kill her in three days unless authorities freed all female prisoners in Iraq, according to an Arabic television network that aired a brief video of the woman Tuesday.

It's a sad affair that this woman is being held captive by a bunch of lunatics but, and I'm pretty sure I've said this before, I'm a firm believer that reporters should not be running around a warzone unguarded and unprotected. Being embedded with the military is one thing. Playing super journalist in a country full of people who would like to kill you cause you're from America is a whole other story.

Jill Carroll, a freelance reporter based in Baghdad, was shown speaking, but there was no sound with the video shown by Al-Jazeera.

Just a side note. Are we watching those Al-Jazeera stations and reporters cause we should be?

The clip was the first sight of Carroll, 28, since she was abducted by gunmen in Baghdad as she left the office of Sunni Arab politician Adnan Dulaimi on Jan. 7. Her Iraqi interpreter, Allan Enwiyah, was shot and killed.

See, now, if that sentence had read "as she left the office of Sunni Arab politician Adnan Dulaimi on Jan. 7 with her six armed escorts" none of this shit would be happening. This is the price we pay for televising our wars.

I hope for a safe return for Ms. Carroll and if she is returned, COME HOME!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on! Mad man
common sense should rule the day

January 19, 2006 7:38 AM  

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