Police: Video Helped Nab Beating Suspects

Bored? Beat homeless people to death. Seems logical enough although, there's one thing. Apparently, that's illegal. You're going to have to find another way to unwind America.
A surveillance video that captured images of a homeless man being savagely beaten helped police track down the two teenage suspects, officials said.
Yeah, that might not be the best place to savagely beat another human being, right in front of the camera like that. See, when beating people to death you want to do it in the privacy of your own tool shed or a darkened and deserted alley so that NO ONE CAN SEE YOU.
More than 100 tips were generated from the video and photographs of the Thursday beating, and investigators and made contact with the families of the suspects within a day, investigators said. Family members and their attorneys negotiated the Sunday surrender of Brian Hooks, 18, and Thomas S. Daugherty, 17, who had fled the state.
Hooks and Daugherty face murder charges in the death of Norris Gaynor, 45, and aggravated battery charges in the videotaped beating of Jacques Pierre, 58, police Capt. Michael Gregory said.
I hope they tape the savage beatings those two will be experiencing in prison for the rest of their lives.
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