Two killers Escape from Iowa Prison

Moon, left, and Legendre, right, are now serving their life sentences
on the streets somewhere in Iowa
So has anyone else noticed that prison appears to be optional lately? Only about a week ago a murderer just kind of strolled out of police custody and took off. Attention police and prison guards: those people with the handcuffs and the bright orange jumpsuits are what we call criminals. You should keep an eye on them. PAY ATTENTION!
Authorities are searching for two convicted murderers who escaped from the Iowa State Penitentiary by using homemade grappling hook to scale an unguarded section of the prison's limestone walls. Is it just me or should convicted murders not have the resources available to construct, I don't know, a fucking grappling hook? Here you go killer, here's a nice long rope. And what's this 'unguarded section' bullshit. Isn't the whole point of a prison to keep watch over certain people deemed a little too 'free' to hang around with the rest of us?
Martin Shane Moon, 34, and Robert Joseph Legendre, 27, broke out Monday night from the prison in Fort Madison, where they were serving life sentences. Or so we thought. They had other ideas.
the inmates somehow got around a wire that is supposed to activate an alarm when touched. What someone do forget to turn it on. I love the 'supposed-to's' . The wire was 'supposed to' set off an alarm. The prisoners are 'supposed to' serve life sentences. I'm 'supposed to' do my job and keep an eye on them. Yea, but who's got the time.
The guard tower in that section of the prison was unmanned at the time because of budget cuts. said Fred Scaletta, a Corrections Department spokesman. Don't give me that budget cut bullshit. School's budgets are cut all the time. I'm pretty sure they got those kids learning history off the back of cereal boxes at this point. But they still manage to teach those kids enough to be able to figure out their profit from cutting a kilo of cocaine for Johnny 'The Tooth" and how much child support is going to come out of their paycheck from McDonalds. So how come you can't manage to stop two convicted murders from pulling a super-secret spy maneuver over the wall? I smell lazy...and a little bit of bullshit too. Who's cooking politics?
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