President Says Light Surrounded Him During UN Speech

Yes...We call that electricity.
Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad says that when he delivered his speech at the UN General Assembly in September, he felt there was a light around him and that the attention of the world leaders in the audience was unblinkingly focused upon him. Well, when you're at the podium and you're the only one in the room speaking, people tend to look at you.
Ahmadinejad said that someone present at the UN told him that a light surrounded him while he was delivering his speech to the General Assembly. The Iranian president added that he also sensed it. "He said when you began with the words 'in the name of God,' I saw that you became surrounded by a light until the end [of the speech]," Ahmadinejad appears to say in the video. "I felt it myself, too. I felt that all of a sudden the atmosphere changed there, and for 27-28 minutes all the leaders did not blink."
How crazy can crazy get? Pretty fucking crazy. Apparently Allah's a light bulb.
Having a leader of any nation in power that believes they are divinely inspired or chosen by God is like using gunpowder kegs as chairs around a campfire. Nothing is more dangerous than a person believing they have God on their side. Especially when they're a fucking lunatic.
this one had me rollin I love the caption and the stroke comment. LOL
Mad Man!
I just had to pass this on to other people who are most likely still laughing at your post.
I see someone else loved it
you are a funny man
thanks for the entertainment. blogger
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