Trees Being Returned to SeaTac Airport

Could it be? Could common sense have had a hand in this? Could it be someone read Damnit! Earth and realized the era of their ways? Probably not to both of these.
Pat Davis, president of the Port of Seattle commission, which directs airport operations, said late Monday that maintenance staff would restore the 14 plastic holiday trees, festooned with red ribbons and bows, that were removed over the weekend because of a rabbi's complaint that holiday decor did not include a menorah.
Good, now passengers will have something pretty and shiny to look at while airport security violate them in ways that a person should at least be paid to endure or at least get royalty checks from various porno films.
Airport managers believed that if they allowed the addition of an 8-foot-tall menorah to the display, as Seattle Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky had requested, they would also have to display symbols of other religions and cultures, which was not something airport workers had time for during the busiest travel season of the year, Airport Director Mark Reis said earlier Monday.
No time for menorahs for Chanukah cause then you'd have to display tradition kinara candles for Kwanzaa and then suicide vests for Ramadan. No time for that shit. Just a few trees so people can remember it's Christmas time as they grip their handrests with white knuckles, praying Santa brings them a safe landing.
Port officials received word Monday afternoon that Bogomilsky's organization would not file a lawsuit at this time over the placement of a menorah, Davis said in a statement. "Given that, the holiday trees will be replaced as quickly as possible," he said.
Ah, so it wasn't comment sense or public outcry. It was the lack of lawsuit. Oh well, take it where you can get Christians. You have your trees in Seattles airport. Enjoy them.
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