Palestinian president calls for early elections

Might as well get all the violence out of the way as soon as possible.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday called for early presidential and parliamentary elections, saying that the Palestinian people must decide their fate.
Decide it for youselves before a bunch of masked gunmen decide it for you. Does anybody think this election will go off without a bunch of people storming into some building and killing some people? Yea, I don't either.
Abbas said he had the authority as president to fire the government headed by the Islamic Hamas movement, and would not allow the situation to deteriorate into a civil war.
My mother once told me she would not allow me to drink alcohol. Guess what. Some things are just inevitable.
Speaking to a crowd made up mostly of high-ranking Fatah officials as well as Muslim and Christian religious leaders, Abbas compared the current state of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to a 'sinking ship.'
Not that he has a negative outlook on things.
I think Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is hoping he'll get elected out of office and won't have to put up with all the shit, ever again.
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