Miss USA Keeps Job, Heads To Rehab

Miss USA is a drug addict. That seems oddly appropriate.
Donald Trump said Tuesday that Tara Conner, the reigning Miss USA, will get to keep her job - for now.
You may remain attractive...for now. One more slip up and it's plastic surgery for you sweetie.
Trump said he had decided to fire Connor, 20, but changed his mind after meeting with Connor on Tuesday morning.
Gee I wonder what she did to persuade Trump to allow her to keep her job? Bet her knees hurt.
Trump said that Connor will go into rehab for alcohol use, and if she doesn't adhere to the pageant's conduct codes, she will be fired.
You have to be quite the dimwit to get fired from a job that entails pretty much nothing.
Boy mad man do you have it right...to get fired from a job that you pretty much do nothing is hysterical...man are such suckers and they think they have all the power
If women truly realised the power they hold over men with that thing between their legs, then we are royally screwed.
They will take over the world!!
Just think, no more wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.
Ad nauseum
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