Al Qaeda bigwig's war cries

Oh yeah, al-qaeda, I forgot all about them.
Al Qaeda's No. 2 man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, injected himself in the Israel-Lebanon crisis yesterday, calling on Muslims to unite by attacking infidels "from Spain to Iraq."
Just throw Spain in there I guess. Hey, remember when there was that train bombing in Spain and it caused an uproar and Spain pulled their troops out of Iraq in order to maintain a truce of sorts with Islamic terrorists. Yeah, didn't work I guess.
"We cannot remain silent and cringe while watching these missiles pouring fire on our brothers in Gaza and Lebanon," he said in a slickly produced, seven-minute videotape broadcast on the Arabic network Al-Jazeera.
Got the "can't remain silent" shit right. Do you really think you guys are still relevant at this point? I'm just saying, I would LOVE it if Bush would suddenly remember that the whole war on terror thing was first implemented in order to catch you and Binny (maybe that's why we haven't caught you, cause then there'd be a reason to stop bombing Muslim people) but if you really look into the matter, you guys didn't put up much of a fight.
You're going to have to face it Ayman, we've moved on to bigger and better things. We just don't feel the same way about you that we used to. We used to hang on every word you said, thinking about it night after night, wondering if there were secret messages hidden in your videos. Now, it's all become so routine. Maybe you should move on too. I think we should see other Islamic fundamentalists.
al-qaeda who...they're being overshadowed by all the wars in the mideast. It's funny all this stuff going on around them and they can't come out and par-take
in the fun.
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