Video Shows Al-Zarqawi Fumbling With Rifle

Now we have AQFV, Al-Qaeda's funniest videos. How on fucking earth are we planning to convince the world Zarqawi's a moron when he's convincing his own people to blow themselves up and kill some more of his own people? If people don't get that now, they never will.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is shown wearing American tennis shoes and unable to operate his automatic rifle in video released Thursday by the U.S. military as part of a propaganda war aimed at undercutting the image of the terror leader.
Tennis shoes? Faggot.
The U.S. command showed the footage to reporters at a time when it is stepping up operations against al-Qaida in Iraq and making overtures to other Sunni groups.
If we can't kill him or catch him, we'll make sure he never gets laid again.
I've been told numerous times that I resemble Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. It's only a matter of time before someone kills me at the airport.
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