Rep. Patrick Kennedy to Enter Drug Rehab

What's the definition of a bad sign? When the leaders of the country admit to uncontrollable drug habits.
Rep. Patrick Kennedy said Friday he was entering treatment for addiction to prescription pain medication, a decision made after a highly publicized car crash near the Capitol that the congressman said he cannot recall.
What's another bad sign? Crashing your car and not being able to remember exactly how you wound up walking to the Senate with a gash the size of a Great Lake on your forehead.
Kennedy, D-R.I., said he would seek immediate treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
By all means please, take a break from helping to run the country. Does this mean all the votes you've made you made while flying higher than Mary Poppins on PCP?
Kennedy, who has struggled with addiction and depression, said he had checked into the Mayo Clinic over the Christmas holidays and returned to Congress "reinvigorated and healthy."
And popping pain pills like they were sweet tarts. I have all the faith in the world in our government. Why shouldn't I?
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