Security tight as Muslims gather

It's kind of sad that a gathering of Muslims these days instills thoughts of suicide bombing, terrorism and violence. But that is what happens when a few thousand bad apples of one religion declare war on the world. So now Muslims, everyone is watching you. Don't worry, in about one hundred years we'll be picking on someone else, maybe the Irish again.
Tight security is in place in Bangladesh as more than a million Muslims gather for the biggest annual Islamic event after the hajj.
How many annual events do Muslims have. I swear that religion sounds like one big vacation.
Around 22,000 troops have been seconded to guard the three-day World Muslim Congregation, Biswa Ijtema, at Tongi near the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka.
The Biswa Ijtema is organised by a moderate Islamic group, Tablig Jamaat.
I can't say at least half the words in those sentences.
In recent months Bangladesh has been hit by a wave of attacks linked to a banned Islamic group. The group, Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen (JMB) want to impose strict Islamic Sharia law in the country.
What's with the strict Islamic law bullshit? Do you really think people are going to want to live like that everywhere? I don't think strict Islamic law is as popular as you think it is. You might want to take a poll or something.
Doesn't that picture remind you of Close Encounters.
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