North Korean leader Kim Jong Il makes secret visit to China

Well, secret mission failed. Can't be all that secret if it's in the fucking headlines.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Il has started a secret visit to neighbouring China, traveling by train to Beijing early on Tuesday.
sshh...don't tell anybody, it's a secret.
China’s foreign ministry declined to confirm or deny the reports.
China no fucking rat. We tell no body nothing. You go now!
An official said it was “hard to say” if Kim Jong Il was travelling on the train.
It's especially hard to say considering if he leaked the secret his family would be slaughtered by Japanese ninja.
“I will release the information when I have the authorisation,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan told reporters.
"I cannot devulged any information about Kim Jong Il's secret visit to China until they tell me it's okay to let you know that he is in fact on a secret visit to China. Until then, we cannot let you know that he is in China on a secret visit because it's a secret. We'll have an update when he leaves on Thursday."
so much for secrets, they're as fucked up as anybody these days...Mad Man you taped into an untouched resource...outwould stupidity
the fact that anyone is willing at any time & moment to show the world how really stupid they are...we live in a great time and you write in a great time.
mounds of material.
good you write for yourself or
are you getting paid for this. just wondering if you could make a living at this?
as of right now I write this blog for myself and anyone who tires of the normal negative MSM. And I work for free.
Not sure if you could make a living doing this but hey, if you know someone, send em my way
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