Israel Blames Iran-Syria for Tel Aviv Attack

Hurry, get a seat! The fireworks are about to begin.
Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said Syria and Iran are behind yesterday's suicide attack that injured 30 people in Tel Aviv.
Mofaz told the Israeli daily Haaretz the Iran-financed attack was planned by the Islamic Jihad and executed by Palestinians.
You do know that Israel is just itching for a reason to bomb Iran and Syria right? I mean, Palestinians have been turning themselves into human cherry bombs in Israel for years as if it's the newest dance craze.
Now Isreal blames Iran and Syria. Sounds like a little bit of a stretch to justify some action to me. Now, I'm not saying Syria and Iran are innocent, far from it. It just seems to me that maybe Israel was waiting for something like this so they can boost public approval for them to go ape shit.
Hey Mad Man,
he simply, will not go away...ever! and quietly
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