France prepared to use nuclear weapons

Hey, France is growing up.
Jacques Chirac says he is prepared to use nuclear weapons against any state that carries out a terrorist attack on France.
Way to go overboard France but I do appreciate the toughening up. If the world can stand as one against terrorism then maybe, just maybe, we have a shot at bringing peace to the Middle East...hahahaha...I'm sorry...I couldn't type that without laughing.
Wow though, nuclear weapons huh. How about scaling it down and lending some ground support?
In a speech underlining the need for its expensive nuclear deterrent, the French President said that security comes at a price and France must be able to hit back hard at a hostile state's centres of power.
You know, I've always said that we as a country should say that if terrorists use a weapon of mass destruction on the United States that we will bomb Mecca. Now before you get in an uproar you have to understand something.
Terrorists are religious fanatics not afraid to die.
Terrorists are mostly Islamic.
Mecca is Islam's most treasured Holy Site.
Bombing Mecca would make them cry.
Would bombing Mecca be unfair for the millions of traditional Muslims that do not support terrorism and violence. Of course. Well, to them I say, get your religion in check. Start rising up against those giving your belief system a bad rep. Don't just sit their and complain about how you're being stereotyped by a few thousand bad apples. Kick the shit out of the bad apples. Start a new stereotype. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Anyway, back to the Frenchies.
On a visit to L'Ile-Longue base in Brittany, Mr Chirac said leaders of states who would "use terrorist means against us, just like anyone who would envisage using, in one way or another, arms of mass destruction, must understand that they would expose themselves to a firm and adapted response from us".
Translation: Bomb us and we'll turn your country into a crater.
Well, I don't know about you, but I feel safe.
The French have the answer! drop freedom fries on them...let them get fat and die
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