Thursday, January 19, 2006

'Bin Laden' audio tape broadcast

And he's singing everyone's favorites.

Arabic TV station al-Jazeera has broadcast an audio tape it says was by the al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden.
In it the voice warns that new attacks on the US are being planned, but offers a "long-term truce" to the Americans.

Truce? I thought we were the devil? Why offer a truce to the devil? Personally I think this is a terror tactic to scare us and then an admission of defeat. Maybe our missile strike on Firday hit a little too close to home for Binny. Personally, I hope he's alive. That way we can still kill him. Of course, experts are still looking over the tape.

"The operations are under preparation and you will see them in your houses as soon as they are complete, God willing," said the speaker on the audio tape, who sounded like bin Laden.

In our houses? Sounds like he's preparing an Al-Qaeda kitchen appliance set.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if he's taking Howard Stern's place, they're the same height...minus the strippers

January 20, 2006 11:18 AM  

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