Australia, we'll keep killing you

Please tell me President Bush didn't say this. Oh good, it's just Jemaah Islamiya.
In a new video, thought to feature hunted Malaysian Islamic militant and Bali bomber Noordin bin Top, Australia is warned to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan or risk more Bali-style bomb attacks. More? Did I miss something? Has Austalia been attacked yet? How can Australia face more attacks if there were none in the first place? And what kind of name is Top? That's a fun name for a terrorist.
These video's are starting to be revealed for what they really are...empty threats. Sure there's bound to be more bombings and, yeah, maybe there will be one on Australian soil. But we have to understand something here. These Islamist fanatics have been waiting to go up against the world for decades. They're itching for this fight. You know who I blame for this? Spain. They let the terrorist attacks change their government and pull out of Iraq. And they're still not safe over there.
Fanatics, whether Muslim or Christian or Trekkie need to be dragged out and shot. They're fucking dangerous. Anyone willing to blow something up or kill another human being because of an ancient book and blind faith needs to be ushered off to wherever it is they think they're going in the afterlife. I'm not saying only Islamist extremists should be targeted but, hey, there is a pattern lately.
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