Afghans say hundreds of Taliban killed in Musa Qala

Afghan and NATO-led troops killed, wounded and detained hundreds of insurgents during fighting in the Taliban's biggest stronghold, the Defence Ministry said on Thursday.
And yet the Taliban claim it a victory. I wish I could get into that mindset, where even the worst possible disaster can be seen as a triumph. It's like driving your car into the ocean and being content cause you got to go swimming.
Musa Qala, in the southern province of Helmand, took on a symbolic importance after the Taliban seized it in February following the breakdown of a much-criticised local truce that allowed besieged British troops to pull out of the town in October last year.
I guess when the British want something back they'll take it when they feel like it...umm...oh shit.
Afghan and NATO-led troops killed, wounded and detained hundreds of insurgents during fighting in the Taliban's biggest stronghold, the Defence Ministry said on Thursday.
And yet the Taliban claim it a victory. I wish I could get into that mindset, where even the worst possible disaster can be seen as a triumph. It's like driving your car into the ocean and being content cause you got to go swimming.
Musa Qala, in the southern province of Helmand, took on a symbolic importance after the Taliban seized it in February following the breakdown of a much-criticised local truce that allowed besieged British troops to pull out of the town in October last year.
I guess when the British want something back they'll take it when they feel like it...umm...oh shit.
Yeah, YEAH!! Hmmmm, think on THAT Mad Man, war of Independance my ASS - we were just playing with you.
This time we'll attack with our shitty instant coffe - and you'll ALL be screwed . . .
Death by Nescafe!
Honestly, you can have this back. We ran it into the ground.
Gahhhh - foiled!!
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