Paper apologizes for offending Muslims

You know, it's so easy to offend Muslims these days, they've become the new Born Again Christians...if that's possible.
A Danish Muslim group Tuesday accepted an apology from a newspaper that published offensive cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad but said later it had decided the statement was ambiguous.
You know how many people are on this planet? Yeah me neither but I'm assuming it's a lot. That means that it's down right near impossible to print, show or say anything without offending someone. Because of the war on terror which is focused on Islamic countries people are tiptoeing on eggshells around the Muslims in order to not offend. I say, fuck you, you have to be able to take a joke just as much as the next religion. What are you off limits because you're in the spotlight with the suicide bombings and the cave-hiding and the take-on-the-world attitude? Hell no. If anything that makes you more of a target.
Since the beginning of time (or the beginning of my time at least) we've been making fun of everyone and I mean EVERYONE. White people can't dance, Black people eat chicken by the truck load, Asian people have funny eye shapes, Indians put dots on their foreheads and work at the local store, Jewish people are cheap, Italians are greasy, British are boring, Canadians are slow and talk funny, French people are cowards, Germans are all Nazis in disguise and Mexicans treat small cars like RVs. Is all that true? In some cases maybe but mostly not. Point is, everyone gets a joke pointed at them now and then.
I can't count how many Jesus jokes and cartoons I've seen and heard. There's a Moses action figure. Indian Gods like Vishnu and those other ones I know exist (but not REALLY) but forget their names have been targets. When did Muhammad become off-limits? What makes him so fucking special huh?
If you don't want to be treated differently don't argue to be treated differently. I don't believe in your Muhammad or your Allah and that's my choice. There's plenty other religions I don't buy into as well. Don't see some monks trying to bomb my house cause I called Buddha a fat lazy bastard.
The only thing this world has in common is that one day we're all going to die. Everything else is fair game for a zinger.
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