Existence confirmed of Iraqi death squad

That doesn't sound pleasant.
The U.S. military confirmed yesterday that it had uncovered its own first direct evidence that a death squad was operating from Iraq's Shia-run Interior Ministry, targeting Sunni Muslims.
It wasn't evident enough after all the Sunni's found bound and shot in the back of the head after being lead off by police?
The Interior Ministry, itself the object of investigations involving abuse of prisoners, said it was looking into the allegations, related to U.S. military claims that four of 22 Iraqi police officers arrested at a checkpoint last month were planning to abduct and kill a Sunni.
I'm sorry, I can't help it, everytime I read that word Sunni I think of those little fishies.
The bodies of bound and gagged Sunnis, shot in the head, are routinely found in Baghdad, fuelling allegations of sectarian killings, which Sunni leaders blame on Shiites in army or police uniforms.
See, I told you.
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