Trapped US miners reported alive are discovered dead

Well, let us know if there's any further change in their conditions.
With all the technology, the high speed communication abilities and our worldwide, up-to-the-minute-twenty-four-hours-a-day-seven- days-a-week news coverage systems, you'd think the mainstream media would at least report the important news correctly like, I don't know, not telling people that their family member is alive when, in fact, they are dead.
Eleven of the 12 coal miners trapped underground after an explosion at a mine in West Virginia were found dead today - just hours after their families were told they had survived.
Chaos and fighting broke out after the families, who had been celebrating what they believed was a miraculous escape, learned the devastating news from mine officials.
So there was that one family who kept the party going...Awkward.
Only three hours before, Governor Joe Manchin had told the jubilant families that 12 of the miners had survived.
"Hey, remember when I told you that your loved one LIVED...Well...Boy is my face red on this one but..." Talk about a downer. This was just a test to see how high we could get your spirits before we smashed them to the ground and stomped on them and then, tinkled on them.
The families who had gathered at the Sago Baptist Church began running out of the church, yelling "They're alive!" after two days of keeping vigil as church bells rang out.
I hope the media is ashamed of itself. Of course we know it's not since the media is a bloodless, emotionless entity that exists only to destroy the lives of everyone around it and to release negativity into the world. Like the government.
The Governor later indicated he was uncertain about the news at first.
Then...umm...Maybe you should have kept your fucking mouth shut. Moron.
"It's sorrow beyond belief," International Coal Group chief executive officer Ben Hatfield said during a news conference.
He said the confusion had been caused by a "lack of communication".
Yeah, between your brain and your mouth.
The sole survivor of the Sago, West Virginia, disaster, identified by mining officials as 27-year-old Randal McCloy, was in hospital in a critical condition early today.
With the efficiency running rampant around these parts I wouldn't be surprised to learn the sole survivor is actually a tunnel rodent. I feel sorry for the families in this, to have their hopes heightened and then shattered. If anyone deserves a few million in lawsuits its these people, if only to remind the media and powers that be to keep their mouths shut until they are 100% certain what they're saying, for once, isn't bullshit.
doesn't this just beat all!
Hey, Mad Man!
from now on I'm going to get my news from may be slanted to be funny but at least you get the story right...I just can't believe these grads? so this is what we're turning out. I'll stick with your kind of news
you should have a show of your own
somebody had their head up their ass on this one, it was that guy Brown?
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