"Sopranos" Actor Facing Murder Rap

This is just some sad shit right here.
Lillo Brancato, the former "Sopranos" actor was arrested for investigation of killing an off-duty New York police officer. Officer Daniel Enchautegui, 28, was shot in the chest early Saturday after he allegedly caught Brancato, 29, and Steven Armento, 48, trying to burglarize an apartment in a bid to score Valium, authorities said. Enhautegui emptied his eight-shot pistol before he died, hitting Armento six times and Brancato twice, police said.
Both men were listed in fair condition at a hospital.
If you're going to go out, hitting eight out of eight bullets into the scumbags who kill you is the way to go. Nice shooting Enchautegui.
And Valium? You kill a cop because you were trying to score Valium? That's the stupidest shit I ever heard. You are going to wish you had died from those gunshot wounds too. You ever see the show Oz?
A woman who answered the telephone Monday at the home of Domenica Brancato, Lillo Brancato's mother, said his mother had no comment.
Well what is she supposed to say, "my son is a piece of shit"?
Brancato also had been arrested in June for heroin possession and again just two days before the Bronx shooting.
Boy, his star was shining brightly. At least he didn't have a long way to fall.
When I first heard about this story I was a bit shocked. They announced on the news that a Sopranos actor had killed a cop and I immediately thought "Why Lorraine Braco, why?". Then I found out it was this piece of shit. Why someone who has been in movies, successful ones at that, would turn to drugs is understandable. I mean, I turned to drugs when I was 16 and I've never even been on TV. But to get so involved in substances that you kill a cop is just unbelievable. Throws away everything you've ever done and everything you ever will. Nice job there Lillo. And what kind of name is Lillo anyway. I'm calling you L from now on. Or shithead.
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