House Democratic hawk wants pullout from Iraq

Rep. John Murtha, a retired Marine colonel from western Pennsylvania, called the war "a flawed policy wrapped in illusion. ...We cannot continue on the present course." Why is a retired Marine colonel being such a pussy. We can't just pullout from Iraq. Democrats go yelling "Iraq is another Vietnam, it's another Vietnam!" Then they call to truly make it one. You'd think an ex-soldier would understand that. Don't play politics with our wars.
Murtha, a staunch supporter of the armed forces, voted in 2002 to give President Bush the authority to go to war. Then you have no right to complain. Fucking assholes.
Murtha, appearing emotional at times, said he introduced a bill calling for the withdrawal because "our military is suffering" and "the future of our country is at risk. We cannot continue on the present course." You should know better. Our country would be more at risk if we allowed these fanatical, suicidal, homicidal, maniacal terrorist-ical madman to think they have defeated us. That would open the flood gates. If these religious fanatics think for one moment that "Allah" has given them victory over the evil United States that will justify their conquest to kill American citizens. They will use it as a sign that Allah approves of their degenerate behavior. Am I the only one who gets that?
It may cost precious lives to save the lives of some not yet born.
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