`Merry Holiday' to all and to some a Christmas fight

So apparently our country is at war with Christmas. I guess this mean the Santa Claus at the mall is getting a fucking beating next time I see him. Hey, I'm patriotic.
Fair warning to any public official who renames a Christmas tree a "holiday tree": You may get a call from one of hundreds of lawyers lined up by Christian legal groups to defend Christmas against those they say are bent on purging it from the holiday season. You can't call a Christmas tree a holiday tree. Is this country fucking retarded. Unless all religions start using a decorated pine tree for their holidays it's a Christmas tree. What, are other religions expecting Christians and Catholics and the like to pretend they don't have a holiday? Are Menorahs now going to be called 'holiday candles'?
Christian legal groups have a point, and that's hard for me to say because I usually disagree with the Christians cause they are an annoying bunch of people who push Jesus on me like he was crack cocaine. Christians have a right to celebrate their holiday and we shouldn't push the Christmas name out of their holiday just cause other religions don't celebrate it or because Jesus isn't a figure of importance in their lives. Christmas exists. Stop trying to shield everyone from everything for fucks sake. No wonder our children are so fucking stupid. They have no idea about anything outside the spectrums of their own little worlds. Knowledge about things that don't affect you is one of the most satisfying things in this life. I love knowing about different cultures and different religions and different countries. It makes it easier to pick out all the things that makes them fucking crazy.
In all fairness though, Christmas hasn't been about the birth of Christ since the addition of Hallmark.
right on! Mad Man
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