Michelle Leslie found guilty, to be Freed

About time we as a world put a new spin on the whole being found guilty thing.
Australian model Michelle Leslie was convicted of 'using ectasy' and possession in an Indonesian court and sentenced to three months in prison. Due to time served in detention already she will be freed today. Three months for using ectasy? You don't arrest a model on ectasy you stupid Indonesian police. If you were quick enough you could have probably had sex with her. Ever see someone on ectasy? They're like out-of-work porn stars who just got their second chance in the limelight.

Media reports Leslie converted to Islam shortly after her arrest. Court documents identified her as Muslim. During the trial she often wore conservative garb with a white Muslim veil. Well fucking done Miss Leslie, way to play the system. Nothing like converting to the national religion as a way to get your ass out of trouble. Of course, I'm sure it also has something to do with the whole 'posing in your underwear' occupation of yours. Muslim or not, men always have one thing on their mind and its not Allah.
The original charge Michelle was facing carried a 15 year prison sentence. Luckily, converting to Islam knocks that prison shit right out the court. Leslie had turned rat and claimed that the ectasy pills were her friends, Mia, a claim verified by three of the eight witnesses. I guess three out of eight isn't that bad. Apparently thats all you need to get a sentence reduction in Bali courtrooms. That and big tits.
So now that she's converted to Islam her days of modeling in a minimum amount of clothing are over right? Michelle emerged from the prison in skin-tight jeans, a tight tank top, thong and designer sunglasses. Miss Leslie, at least wait to be out of the country before you drop the facade. You're going to get yourself killed. They take their Islam quite seriously over there.
An Islamic Imam told warned Michelle to stop living as a Muslim if she planned to return to modeling in her underwear. See, you've opened a can of worms. Good luck with that.
Thanks to The Jawa Report for the pictures of Miss Leslie. The Jawa Report
this is one of the best stories on here to date, it's just so unbelievable and I love your twist on it. Mad Man
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